Latest News Letters
Welcome back. Above is our shy and retiring club secretary Hopefully by this point everyone is recovered from Christmas and starting to enjoy the slightly longer days. January was a busy month for the club, with beginners courses and our annual indoor championship thrown in on top of the usual number of events. Our...
Read MoreNewsletter jan 25
Welcome to the new Bowmen of Ardleigh monthly newsletter! Above is an image from our Christmas Fun Shoot on the 15th December. it was very well attended, with members and their families enjoying the chance to shoot unlimited arrows at Santa,one of his elves, and a mix of Christmas themed target faces. Big thanks...
Read MoreNewsletter No138
It’s with much regret, I have to report the death of the President of the Bowmen of Ardleigh, Tom Hall, on 26th November 2023, at the age of 98 Tom was our last remaining Founder Member from the first days of our Club in the early 1950s. Together with his brother Jack...
Read MoreSome of us letting our hair down, well the ones’ that actually have hair that is.
We do have some fun shoots and BBQ’s where right handed archers have to shoot left handed and visa versa using the clubs jelly bows that’s just for fun , well there’s always a bit of friendly competition
Olympic Archery
If you put in the hours the and have the aptitude you could end up representing your country at the next Olympics'. It's is possible as we have had two past members achieving this
How to find us
- You can find us at-Bretons Manor 411 Rainham Road, Rainham, Essex RM13 7LP-
You can find our indoor facilities by Clicking here
You can find our outdoor facilities by Clicking here